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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Finally here!

This is the first time I have updated my blog since landing in Bangkok on the 7th, I am on day 5 in Thailand.
The first day I landed and was in total culture shock, it was like being in a different universe. EVERYTHING was different. The traffic was is absolutely insane, no-one speaks english, everyone was staring at this white dude with a huge bicycle box wandering around like a deranged lunatic. A friend of a friend at Kripalu that lives in Bangkok came and picked me up from the airport and brought me to my guesthouse. I was in Bkk (airport code for Bangkok) for 3 days. The first day I was jet-lagged and very overwhelmed, thank god for friends who knew exactly what I was feeling. I went through so many different emotions, from being excited and happy, to wanting to catch the next flight home. Apparently if you throw yourself into a crazy situation like this, your body and mind react accordingly. On the third day I had seen a bunch of temples, taken a tuk tuk ride, eaten fresh coconuts, got thai massages, fed catfish, taken a water ferry, seen an enormous Buddha statue, visited with good friends, eaten street food, gone to the biggest craziest market in Bkk, and taken a motor scooter taxi, it was an insane 3 days.
I took an 11 hour bus ride from Bkk to Chiang Mai in northern Thailand and it is WAY more chill here. I am very glad to be out of Bkk. I am sitting in a little covered patio right now having breakfast and just chilling. My friend Tammy that I met at Kripalu has a couple friends that have a house outside the city and they are letting me crash here for a few days. The day I got here I went on a bike ride (finally) and climbed this huge 5,700 foot mountain and saw elephants, monkeys, waterfalls, and village towns, it was a sight tAdd Imageo behold. I feel a lot more normal now that I can actually ride my bike.

On the second day here I met up with a good Berkshire friend Blair, we met at the WaWee coffee shop and told stories of our travels. Yesterday Blair and I went downhill mountain biking in the jungle mountains of Chiang Mai. We had an awesome guide, super friendly and knowledgable. We got shuttled to the top and there were only 4 of us flying down. We stopped after a short descent from the top at this coffee plantation in the middle of the rain forest, it was a sight to behold. We drank freshly picked, roasted and ground coffee. I have never seen anything like it, even in movies!!!
I am feeling much more at home in Thailand now. Chiang Mai is a really awesome (bike friendly) town and I feel like I could set up shop and live here forever! The people are friendly, the food is cheap, and the roads outside the city are epic for road riding. I have to leave Karen and Mark's place on Thursday and I am re-locating in downtown Chiang Mai at a guesthouse that is 250 Baht ($10) a night. I don't know how long I will stay here for.

So it is day 5 and I really like Thailand a lot so far. I am trying to find some other local cyclists and find a good route from Chiang Mai to Cambodia. It will be at least a week long ride maybe more depending where I decide to ride to in Cambodia.

I will try and keep the updates coming on a weekly basis!

Love and Light,



  1. you. are a sight to behold.... love.

  2. Sounds amazing! Be safe and have fun! Totally in awe!

  3. This all sounds great TIm. Make sure you hit some meetings while you are there...It sounds like an amazing adventure. I'll keep track while I'm in Europe.

  4. I was thrilled to receive the alert saying you had posted on your blog, Tim. I had been on the verge of checking it out on my own...

    Can't wait to hear more. Keep posting!!

    Stay safe and well...

    Best, Lois (Profe) Cooper!

  5. A foot and a half of snow here, so I think of you in a warm climate riding a bike through the warmth.


  7. More photos swiftness! although I love the writing! tho you shouldn't use "sight to behold" more than once per post. :P

    I totally relate to what you experienced upon landing in BKK, I had the same experience when landing in Delhi--completely different universe and people look at like you just landed from outer space. Looking forward to future photos and adventures!
